Saturday, February 11, 2017

Happy Valentine`s Day!

I can`t believe it`s already February. To all of you that are happily in love and celebrating, I wish you all a very Happy Valentine`s Day. To those that have not found love this year, join the gang! We can celebrate together with a cheers for being independent and waiting for the real thing.

Besides starting the year off positive by taking my first solo vacation (catch it on Femme Chakra YouTube), I did make a new years resolution to start taking out the clutter. You see I am one of those people that like to jump on a project with enthusiasm, finish it as professionally, quickly and as best as I can. The problem with house and personnel clutter is that there never seems to be enough time to finish everything I want to do. So this year I decided I`m going to take baby steps and do a little week by week. Besides the relentless cleaning of going through way too many CD`s of pictures, music and videos as well as the bunch of crap I seemed to have accumulated in the last 6 years of living here, I have only scratched the surface. It will take time but I am positive, I got a lot accomplished and it really does feel great once you finish something you set your mind to do.

In regards to the arts, this month I`m going to start uploading my old shows on my music channel. I have my cover album up as well as some of my original songs but I want to put up my old shows. I honestly think that they are part of my journey, I am proud of them and I want to share some of my accomplishments. I promised myself last year that I would be an open book, they made me who I am today and I`m happy I got to experience them.

In regards to fitness, I can`t say 2016 was my best year. I am slowly getting back to eating healthier by wiping away some bad habits first and slowly I will get into the physical part. Albeit knowing how to eat properly and train properly, I am someone that mentally has to be motivated to jump back on the boat. It`s never healthy to stop and start but I am not one to judge on that behavior as I am the perfect example. Every time I stop I have to go through all the physical pain again, it really is a vicious cycle. Why stop then? It's still a question I ponder but I factor in that it's my mental state which in turn leads to a mix of bad habits, laziness and lack of motivation. The good thing is I have been up and down before and I am extremely resilient (Thanks Mom!). At first you don't succeed, try, try again!

So I am wishing you all a fabulous Happy Valentine`s. For those in love, be thankful you have someone that makes you happy and that is there for you. For those like me that are not, it`s still a happy occasion as once you know what love really is, you won`t settle for less than what you had. It`s worth the wait! Have a great day everyone and I will see you soon.

That Way for you - Written by Anne-Marie Taylor and Adamack Beats
One of the first songs I wrote years ago in 2010 -

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