Sunday, January 12, 2014

2014 - It`s a New Year

I can`t believe it`s already 2014. My last year seems to have flown by, it really was a whirl winding year. I still can`t believe I did 4 months of practices in Hudson, 17 shows in March, wrote 1 year of a musical script, was part of a short film and produced my own show. In the meantime, working 40 hours of week, I still managed to see great friends, enjoy fantastic shows and meet and work with some really great artists. What a hectic 

2012 and 2013 were such interesting years artistically for me. I saw many shows, met new people and tried new things. I learned to write lyrics and melody on a better level and had a chance to go back to my dancing roots. I enjoyed performing, writing and practising and feel privileged to have had the opportunity to be able to do so.

I`m proud that Oklahoma (by the Hudson Music Club) won a Meta award as I believe it was an amazing show with a fabulous cast. I really enjoyed having a tiny part in the short movie, Euchre by Tom Abray. It was a wonderful experience working with professional and creative people. It took me out of my comfort zone and gave me a small glimpse of cinematography. Producing my own show was a little more difficult but rewarding never the less. Sharing my original music with an audience was a pretty scary concept to me and I`m glad that I did it. I learned a lot. 

All in all, a pretty amazing year. The great people I met, the artists I worked along side and the wonderful opportunities I had all will lead me to my next road.

I`m not sure what I will do in 2014. I know I want to work on small projects but I think this year will be more focused on family and friends, practising and learning rather than socializing and entertaining. (Mind you, some events just should not be Thanks again to all my friends and family that have supported my little artist world, it means a lot. I could not have done it without you.

For those that don`t know. My artistic information is available on my Facebook page, my YouTube page and my website.  They are the most updated and can be viewed by clicking on them. I

Have a great New Year everyone, I hope to see you soon :)


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