Saturday, February 2, 2013

CBC Canada Writes - My short story

I think ever artist at one point should take the time and acknowledge the people in their lives that have made an impact. This short story was inspired by the challenge ``The Song that Changed your life``on CBC Canada writes . Check out the winning stories here:

As a novice writer, I didn`t win. There are stories that made mine look like child`s play (lol) but it is a true story and I`m pretty proud I had the courage to send it.

The Wind Beneath my Wings

I creep to the middle of the stage trying not to make any noise; the audience has started to arrive. I quickly take a peek through the red curtains and see my family seated in the 3rd row, I smile. I skip back to the side of the stage as my heart starts to beat faster as the anticipation and realisation that the moment I have been waiting for has arrived. My costume swooshes as I walk; the shiny silver tiara makes me feel like a fairy princess. The lights flicker on and off and I stand frozen fear suddenly gripping me. Then the music starts.

I step on stage and see the lights shining brightly; my fear subsides as everyone has disappeared and I am alone with the music of Waldteufel, La Valse des Patineurs. I count 1, 2, 3 in my head and soon feel myself swaying gracefully while my young partner and I waltz and twirl feeling care free.

In 2 hours; I ballet to Tchaikovsky and become a swan, I Sing, Sing, Sing to the music of Benny Goodman and I tap Tea for Two and become a part of a legendary musical. I am transported into a different world where the music and dance become a part of me.

For 20 years; I travelled back and forth in time, played a hundred characters and danced to generations of great music. You introduced me to a world of fantasy, creativity and wonder. I am grateful everyday that you guided me to be the best I could be and saw something special in me. You changed my life.

I still get nervous when the curtains open and fear still grips me until the music starts. Some things will never change. I don`t get to see you as much as I would like these days. Wind beneath My Wings by Bette Middler stills plays on my windows player and I think of you. My teacher and friend, you made me whom I am today and I thank you.




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