"When you believe in a concept and it touches a core part of you, you go out of your way to support the project. I started as a trainer and then became an associate within the idea."
I visited the website (only in French) and was very impressed. It's easy to register and navigate and offers a 3 day trial period if anyone if interested in trying. They offer different cardiovascular work outs such as aerobics, kick boxing for men, women and even parent/child videos. They concentrate on specific parts of the body such as the legs, arms and shoulders, the stomach, the back and many more. If you have ever been curious about meditation, they give you an insight as well as offer different yoga work outs. If you are looking at getting prepared to play sports, they cover ways to enhance your performance and endurance, they even have post and pregnancy video work outs. There are specific programs strategies for each of the videos and they post new ones on a regular basis. There are some great tips and advice on nutrition, movements and staying motivated and they let you know what level you are at when doing the videos. All in all, a great idea at a half the price you would pay at a gym. You can subscribe for $13.00 a month, $12.00 a month for 6 months or $11.00 a month for the year.
If you enjoy exercising in the comfort of your home, prefer fitness work outs and are looking to get back into shape, this could definitely be an option for you. Visit Mon Gym Virtuel at https://www.mongymvirtuel.com/ or visit Julie Marchand Fitness on her Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/Julie.Fitnesson for some great health and diet tips. She is very motivating and inspiring.
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