Sunday, September 16, 2012

Femme Chakra

What an amazing year!!! I started this blog in October 2011 with the idea that I would get out of my comfort zone, meet new people and try something different. Well WOW!!! I met some really amazing people, saw some fantastic shows and learned that friendship and the people that support me are really important in my life.

This writing experience also help me to grow and made me realise that the little amount of free time I have, I want to spend it on things that I feel a passion.

I love music and shows. Whether it be a musical, comedy, a band or art, anything that stimulates ideas. I love writing. Writing a melody and lyrics gives me an outlet for my emotions. Writing a story gives me a hobby I truly enjoy. Singing is my release. I think I want to focus on those areas.

I truly had a fabulous time writing this blog. Those are memories I will never forgot. On that note, a huge thank you to my friends and family, Sylvie, Wanda, Jayne, Erin, Fiona, Gloria, Janet, Bryan, Michel and Sylvain for always supporting me. We had some really great times this year!!!

To some of the new fantastic artists and/or friends I made this year, whether I saw the show or I performed in the show, I had some awesome times. A big thanks to Tony, Moe, Richard, Paul, Linda, Leora and Doreen, I always have a blast with you guys. To the up and coming comedians that I had a chance to sing along side, it was a pleasure to share a stage. 

To Claudia, thank you for introducing me to something new and to Micheline for some wonderful nights out.

The biggest thanks goes to those that actually read the blog. That`s really amazing to me. The thought that people enjoyed reading it makes the experience worth it. Thanks again.

Take care!!!!

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