Art has always played a significant role in my life. Dancing came first, then competitions, then singing, then performing, then recording, then producing, then writing. My entire life has been dedicated to being in the surrounding of very creative people. I love the Arts, creative people inspire me. For example, take a painting, it is a moment of someone`s life that is told by that person. You get to see a one second glimpse of what someone else is thinking in that moment. It`s captivating for me. Art makes me explode with creativity.
I strongly believe that motivation is one of the biggest contributions to being balanced. When I decided to start My Montreal Art and Fitness I knew that I wanted to promote Montreal artists but I also knew that it would be a challenge to keep up with the Fitness side of the idea. I`m a pretty lazy person when I get off track and any fitness requires a certain amount of dedication. I honestly don`t have enough time or money to be working out in a gym 7 days a week or taking 10 dance classes a week but I really do try and stay focused. Meeting people that are motivating and inspiring on a health level, people that teach and those that inspire me are the reasons I kept the Fitness side. At first you don`t succeed, try, try, again. Surround yourself with people that want you to succeed, learn from those that lead by example and don`t give up. I`ll learn slowly but surely and in the meantime, i`ll continue my journey to be a better version of me.
If ever you want to learn the choreographies, they are on my YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/user/femmechakra in my Playlists under ``Choreographies``. It`s hard getting up and trying again but in the long run, once done, it really does feel great. I`m going to try and keep the choreographies going, try and add some diversity as well as some warm ups for those that are interested. These are really basic dances for people that need to get up their cardio, stretch and get slowly back into it and they are free. It`s that simple. Do the warm up, the Chacha Swing, Danse, El Merengazo and then We Want to Dance. Learn them. The steps are available on my Dance Movements if you are having trouble. Thanks to everyone that has taken the time and liked, it really is appreciated! Hope you all have a great spring (finally!!!).
Helping to support local artists on My Montreal Art and Fitness. Follow on FACEBOOK , TWITTER, and GOOGLE + (Click on the name to follow and for updates!)
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