As a form of cardiovascular work out, Zumba Fitness is one of my favorites. I love Latin music and it`s fun. For those that need motivation to get back into shape, it is a great way to get moving. There are some really great recommended teachers out there that know how a class should be run and what is expected in regards to health and safety.

Don`t get me wrong, there are many that have an abundance of technique and know how to be teaching the program but in the end, I don`t feel right about a program that allows just anyone to pay and obtain a certificate. My mother would be outraged that she paid 15 years of dance (lol). My advice still stands, get to know your instructor and find out as much as you can before taking a class.
Although I will not be teaching Zumba Fitness, I will still recommend if I can those that have significant dance or fitness training and teach Zumba. It is a fun program that get`s people exercising and that`s very important. Dancing is one of the best ways to get back into shape and anything that can make you move is a good thing.

You can always review on YouTube my Zumba choreographies, the interview I did with Guylaine Thibault (whom is a really great instructor - https://www.facebook.com/danzajam?fref=ts) as well as why I am doing My Montreal Art & Fitness at https://www.youtube.com/user/femmechakra.
My Montreal Art and Fitness on FACEBOOK , TWITTER, and GOOGLE + (Click on the name to follow and for updates!)
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