After practising 3 times a week, the last thing I wanted to do was to stop my goal to get back into shape; hence the need for ballet classes. I am a strong believer that everyone should do some sort of stretching; yoga, ballet, Pilates, etc. I might dislike the pain now but in 10 weeks I will reap the rewards (if I don`t die first - lol). Big thanks to Marie Francis for introducing me to the Westmount class. Sheila, the teacher, amazes me. In her 60`s, she is in better shape than most 40 year olds. I have no doubt that this woman will whoop me back into shape in no time.

This summer should be interesting, I`m looking forward to seeing
some comedy and shows as well as some theatre and musicals. I frequently
try out some of my original music at L`Uniq at 805 Decarie (A big
congratulations to Richard and Linda on their recent wedding. Sorry I could not make it). Every second Saturday they have a comedy
night introducing new up and coming artist, so if you are in the St-Laurent area don`t
hesitate to come by and say hello. It is definitely time to get back to
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